Increasingly homes are finding it hard to keep up their energy bills with many in arrears and with expected increases in VAT and carbon tax set to include home fuels like coal and peat bircketes many families are at risk of fuel poverty.College bills are putting a strain on family budgets too. Wither its homes that are just above the threshold for grants or those those receiving grants for the first time and experiencing significant delays more and more families are coming to the SVP needing to tide them over.Then of course there's the pressures that come with Christmas and trying manage children's expectations. Families are put under increasing financial pressure on themselves. It can often take 5 to 6 months for families to get over the Christmas spend.
This year
we are relying on you more than ever as we expect to visit over 150,000 homes
over the Winter months so we are expecting this Christmas to be a challenging
time again for so many families around the country.
Choose a toy to the value you would like to donate and we'll
make sure as many children as we can in your local area wakes up with a
gift on Christmas morning.
I would just like to thank everyone who came to the the CanTeen Winter Ball- A Night at the Oscars. to celebrate our 21st Birthday with us on Friday 18th of November 2011 from
A great night was had by all. Dr. Finn Branach one of the country's foremost experts on childhood cancers was our key note speaker. He's has been a very important part in many of our members lives.
Eric Lalor, who was one of Des Bishops Ballymun Boz from the "Boz in The Hood" series was MC for the night. He'd definitely be rated 15A but had us all rolling around in stitches. Wasn't much of a stretch for him to get in either. Santry is only a stones through from 'Ballyer'. The entertainment was provided by 7pm till late at the Crowne Plaza in Santry Dublin 9. MC- Mr Eric Lalor Comedian. Band - Soul Sister. DJ- Marc Harris.
As the title suggests the theme of the night was based on the Oscars. Oscar himself made an appearance for a while. We also had the loan of the Heineken Cup for the evening. Many thanks to my uncle David and cousin Ann-Marie so that generated a good buzz. We also had our annual raffle. Some top prizes on offer including an areal tour of North Leinster from my former boss John Fingleton for two. Again many thanks John.
The night itself cost €75 per ticket but I think it was well worth it. The food and entertainment were great and I think the last time i looked at my watch it was coming on 5:30 AM and the birds were starting to chirp. Needless to say there were more than a few sore heads the next mornig.
Just about recovered after the night out. needless to say lectures on the Saturday morning were difficult
I know this is a little off topic but I was looking at the movie "Network" last week and I remembered a sketch a had seen by one Ireland funniest comedians on one of our most respected and quirkiest journalists Vicent Browne. Browne's show is on Monday to Thursday after 11:00 so he doesn't have to worry about ratings or any of that lark. Its good to be able to laugh even if the country is going down the tubes. Not really sure if he means to be but the guy's a riot.
Anyway here's the man in the flesh talking to one of the organizers of the "Chillian Miner" resecue.
One of the main reason I enjoy volunteering is that you get to meet people you
would not in the normal run of things. In Canteen I get to participate in activities
with kids of all background and every corner of the country. In the SVP I meet
disadvantaged families as well as spokes people government lobbyists. With Failte
Isteach I teach a group mainly comprised of Poles, Lithuanian and Latvians.
They are a real enthusiastic group and real egear to learn.
The added bonus of working with these groups is the opportunity to Network
especially for those of us who are unemployed. At the moment I am doing a part
time course in Web Technologies. Right now I'm helping out the SVP with a data mapping
project. This going well and is nearing completion. I've also been asked to design
a website for the Resource Centre in my home town. I'm hopping to include these projects
in my practical work for the course. I'm meeting up with coordiator next week to find out
what content she wants for the website. I'll put a link up on the blog when I'm finished so
you can all let me know what think. Don't be too Harsh :-)
One thing I've been told about getting back to work after being unemployed for a
period is that employers still expect you to have done something positive with your
time. Hopefully this will improve my chances when I get back in the business of
job hunting.
The days are getting shorter and there's a real chill in the air. Yes its Winter again but fear not it also means the Canteen Winter Ball is only around the corner. Each year Canteen hold a ball as a way of raising money and the groups profile. Last year was a great success with over two hundred attending the event in the Crowne Plaza, Santry. Fred Cook, a.k.a. "The guy from the Spar Add", was our highly entertaining MC and the fun didn't stop until the wee hours. This year Canteen is 21 years old so its going to be special. We're back in Santry again this year if you're intersted in attending and supporting a great cause please contact us through the Canteen link.
Just want to congratulate Orlaith & Louise for the great interview they gave on Ireland Am yesterday morning. They stole the show.
I missed Howie & Sarah on the radio that afternoon but I'm sure they were brilliant too.
Can't forget Evelyn our coordinator for organizing it all.
Well done all.