Monday, 14 November 2011

A Night out at the Oscars

The Annual Canteen Ball

I would just like to thank everyone who came to the the CanTeen Winter Ball- A Night at the Oscars. to celebrate our 21st Birthday with us on Friday 18th of November 2011 from

A great night was had by all. Dr. Finn Branach one of the country's foremost experts on childhood cancers was our key note speaker. He's has been a very important part in many of our members lives.

Eric Lalor, who was one of Des Bishops Ballymun Boz from the  "Boz in The Hood" series was MC for the night. He'd definitely be rated 15A but had us all rolling around in stitches. Wasn't much of a stretch for him to get in either. Santry is only a stones through from 'Ballyer'. The entertainment was provided by 7pm till late at the Crowne Plaza in Santry Dublin 9. MC- Mr Eric Lalor Comedian. Band - Soul Sister. DJ- Marc Harris.

As the title suggests the theme of the night was based on the Oscars. Oscar himself made an appearance for a while. We also had the loan of the Heineken Cup for the evening. Many thanks to my uncle David and cousin Ann-Marie so that generated a good buzz. We also had our annual raffle. Some top prizes on offer including an areal tour of North Leinster from my former boss John Fingleton for two. Again many thanks John.

The night itself cost €75 per ticket but I think it was well worth it. The food and entertainment were great and I think the last time i looked at my watch it was coming on 5:30 AM and the birds were starting to chirp. Needless to say there were more than a few sore heads the next mornig.

Just about recovered after the night out. needless to say lectures on the Saturday morning were difficult

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  1. Hey James, that sounds like a great night and for such a good cause! I thought you won that big cup until I read through your post!!

  2. Hey James, great idea for a blog. They say the best thing about the recession is the increase in volunteering & community spirit. Check out a site that I was involved with the setting up of...
    It might give you an idea for another post....
