Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Alternative Networking

Volunteering Has Its Own Rewards

One of the main reason I enjoy volunteering is that you get to meet people you would not in the normal run of things. In Canteen I get to participate in activities with kids of all background and every corner of the country. In the SVP I meet disadvantaged families as well as spokes people government lobbyists. With Failte Isteach I teach a group mainly comprised of Poles, Lithuanian and Latvians. They are a real enthusiastic group and real egear to learn.

The added bonus of working with these groups is the opportunity to Network especially for those of us who are unemployed. At the moment I am doing a part time course in Web Technologies. Right now I'm helping out the SVP with a data mapping project. This going well and is nearing completion. I've also been asked to design a website for the Resource Centre in my home town. I'm hopping to include these projects in my practical work for the course. I'm meeting up with coordiator next week to find out what content she wants for the website. I'll put a link up on the blog when I'm finished so you can all let me know what think. Don't be too Harsh :-)

One thing I've been told about getting back to work after being unemployed for a period is that employers still expect you to have done something positive with your time. Hopefully this will improve my chances when I get back in the business of job hunting.


  1. Hi Spoonman, really like your blog! Wow, you are involved in a lot of different organisations. You've inspired me now to look into volunteering. I'll just have to think about where and what I could do. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for that Clare. I don't know how much it'll improve my job oppertunities but at least it keeps me out of trouble. :-) One thing I'll say though when you're at an interview stage of a job app it allows you to fill a few time-line gaps.
