Friday, 7 October 2011

Canteen "Good Times, Bad Times"

Wednesday 21st saw the official launched of the new book "Bad Times, Good Times Teenage Cancer - Our Story". The launch took place in the Mansion House in Dublin to great fanfare. The book is full of stories written by teenagers who have gone through the cancer diagnoses, treatment and recovery. Its pretty inspirational stuff and a lot of hard work has gone into it over the past year.
If anyone is interested in getting

a flavor of its contents some of the members are helping to publicize it next week:

-A couple of members plus the groups coordinator will be appearing on Ireland Am on TV3 at 8.15am on Monday morning- 10th October. So if you’re around tune in

-Then that afternoon we'll be on the Sean Moncrieff show at 2pm on Newstalk!

-There will an article be on the Sunday World this Sunday.

There may also be articles in the Irish Times, The Star and and keep an eye on your local papers!

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